The Rossiter System is a two person stretching workout that works on the tight (and most of us are very tight!) connective tissue in our bodies. These workouts get rid of pain! They create space in the joints allowing for freer, easier movement. This is not a massage session!



The PIC is the "person in charge" and is the one benefiting from the workout.  Being in charge, means that you determine how intense the workout is and how much you get out of it.  The Coach, that would be me, provides knowledge and works with you to determine what workout to use.  A workout lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.

During the workout, you stay fully clothed  (loose clothing for easy movement is helpful.)  After listening to you describe the pain and restrictions in your body and what you want to accomplish, I work with you to determine how to proceed.  Most of the workouts are done lying on a mat on the floor.  Work on a knee is done while resting the leg on a chair.  I will use my foot to provide warmth and weight to "anchor your tissue in place while you hunt for pain and stretch your body with power."  I increase the weight placed on the muscle until you, the PIC, tells me to stop.  then I guide you through the stretch.  (The more weight and the more intense the stretch, the more relief will be felt.) A stretch generally lasts 10 seconds.  


  • You must be able to get on the floor and get back up on your own, unless we are working on knees.  

  • If you have ever had surgery or a cortisone shot on the lower back, you cannot do the lower back work.  Cortisone shots will interfere with the outcome of Rossiter workouts as well.  It is best to try this work before allowing cortisone shots to be used in your body.

  • No work is done on broken bones or an area where surgery was done in the last 3 months.